It'll be great to add json output support for programmatically parse tool output.
I would like to understand clickhouse-operator installation or how to integrate this with clickhouse backup , Need guidance to use clickhouse-operator
Hello, hope you are well.
As you may see from the title I am unable to restore just one single table from the backup , I get the following error
"2022/05/19 15:12:49.778962 error no have found sche…
Hello again, hope you are well
I am using google cloud storage and the way I create a single table backup is with one of the commands you gave me:
`clickhouse-backup create_remote --tables="bms_…
Firstly, great project and I'm having quite some fun playing around with this _(and yes, we're all Clickhouse fans here)_ 😉
I was wondering how to get cLoki running in distributed Clickhous…
In ordinary case backup creation has these steps:
- "ALTER TABLE table_name FREEZE WITH NAME 'backup_name'"
- copy files from /shadow/backup_name to backup storage
- "ALTER TABLE table_name UNFREEZ…
When creating a backup, if you pass a few partitions as a parameter, you will get a tiny backup without data. Everything works fine if you pass a one partition.
2022/05/17 02:02:42.466903 error can't acquire semaphore during downloadTableData: context canceled
2022/05/17 02:02:42.588974 warn remote file backup extension 2022-05-16T19-00-08/shad…
Here is the screenshot of the memory usage stats for last two weeks. Major upgrade was done a week ago. When it's comes close to memory limits, ntop begin to lag and got restarted. Please advice how t…