I'm running both gogs and oxidized in a swarm container and I'm running into authentication issues and I'm not finding the issue. If I manually push from the container with the same credentials everyt…
**What happened**:
An upgrade of only the API server should not result in pod recreations or container restarts.
Today, this can accidentally be triggered by introducing new defaults to types wi…
Tested on https://github.com/xenia-canary/xenia-canary/commit/c3656f2
# Issues:
Crash hos…
instashell % git clone https://github.com/g0r60n/instashell
cd instashell
chmod +x instashell.sh
service tor start
sudo ./instashell.sh
Cloning into 'instashell'...
remote: Enumerating objects: …
I get the following error when I when I try to clone from github and proceed with make. I'm on a Macbook Air using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (fresh install).
Any ideas?
tobka@mactobka:~/Diverse$ gi…
Cloning into 'flutter-spy'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 191, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (191/191), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (146/146), done.
remote: Total 191 (delta 92…
Reported by Andrew D. Stadler (Google) on Fri May 22
16:32:51 PDT 2009
Source: JIRA REPO-34
The output of repo sync is entirely internal and quite repetitive:
$ repo sync
remote: Counting obje…
Reported by Andrew D. Stadler (Google) on Fri May 22
16:32:51 PDT 2009
Source: JIRA REPO-34
The output of repo sync is entirely internal and quite repetitive:
$ repo sync
remote: Counting obje…
Reported by Andrew D. Stadler (Google) on Fri May 22
16:32:51 PDT 2009
Source: JIRA REPO-34
The output of repo sync is entirely internal and quite repetitive:
$ repo sync
remote: Counting obje…
**Related command**
`az ad`
When deleting objects from Microsoft Graph, they are soft-deleted. They still count against the quota