I bought the mstore pro,it's has some little old stuff in package.json and I'm not comfortable with it,
So I was trying to install all the stuff on a bare expo one by one and it fails here on this pa…
I try to add some components to your code and I'm building an SMTP server to send the KEY & ID to an email!
But inside the Crypt.py my code don't want to sit, contact me in private if you w…
I am opening this because I cannot comment on the previous associated issues which are locked.
I learned from the previous issues that I should define some macros when compiling grpc. Thus …
I think this library have some problem as it silently generates incorrect decryption result to the buffer. Even though I'm moving away from using this library due to the lack of my own time to …
All Sequelize models defined in an external file removes from the main file during compilation. This behavior happened during a tests which is performed with [ts-jest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ts…
Some model's validation has to be only on certain fields and [sequelize-typescript](https://github.com/RobinBuschmann/sequelize-typescript/) library has a bug for this option.
After that issue Robi…
On find() query on a collection i'm getting array of rxdb docs as result
_atomicQueue: {}
_dataSync$: {_isScalar: false, _value: {…}, closed: false, hasError: false, isStopped: false, …}
ghost updated
4 years ago
error /home/kitten/WebPortfolio/node_modules/grpc: Command failed.
Exit code: 1
Command: node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build --library=static_library
Directory: /home/kitt…
Is there an email or some way I can get in touch with you? I'll pay you first if you can sit down and show me how to set this up locally to start looking in to how they're made.
Since the latest update, I can't install fatrat. It will always says "was not possible to install The Packages Label (Not OK)" which is apktool. How do I solve this?
Thank you.