**Describe the bug**
The log settings defined by `logging_on()`, and therefore by any trollflow2 process, are not inherited by tasks scheduled using dask.distributed when called inside an `if __nam…
Reproduce the TPC-H work that @rjzamora has been looking into with Dask+cuDF and the TPC-H work Coiled has been doing with Dask but on Databricks.
It seems quite widely adopted:
- https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.bincount.html
- https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.bincount.html
- https://docs.cupy.dev/en/st…
### What's the use case?
We have computation tasks which we execute by using dask. The best approach that I understood from blogs and documentation is to define the cluster as a resource and use in t…
Maybe relevant https://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/user-guide/dask.html
**Describe the bug**
`pip install nbodykit[extras]` produces a ton of error messages, and ends up installing versions:
Successfully installed Corrfunc-2.5.0 bigfile-0.1.51 cached-property-1…
- Is it okay not to shuffle the data?
def _exact_dup_ids(self, df: dd.DataFrame):
Get the id's for text/documents that are exact duplicates
As in title Plotly with Dash Enterprise is using Dask [https://plotly.com/dash/gpu-dask-acceleration/](https://plotly.com/dash/gpu-dask-acceleration/) I think this satisfies _use Dask to power compon…
New xarray ver supports this keyword.
I think allow_rechunk might be good or expose this option to the call e.g. xr.rmse(dask_gufunc_kwargs={...})
For the majority of NumPy functions that are already wrapped by Dask, it’s usually a better idea to use the pre-existing dask.array functio…