Hi, I'm exploring this Serenity+Cucumber for BDD reporting.
I found a problem with data-driven scenario, Serenity does not provide report for data driven scenario after run the test.
For non data-dr…
Getting some Debug logs .... How do I suppress it or how do I resolve the issue. I am using extent reports 3.0.6 and log4j
5336 [2017-07-31 19:18:14,883] [DEBUG] [freemarker.cache ] - Couldn't find…
## Summary
Dashboard End time-stamp is not set correctly (takes the end date of the first test).
As you can see from the three screenshots below, the time-stamp is correct for the start …
I want to change the Heading of the Step view Graph and want the Graphs to be filter if particular test case are selected.
If it is possible how to do that as in my project we need to change t…
Hi Anshooarora,
Very appreciate you provide this for us.
My question is the report if support Chinese to display the string in the html page? Actually, i try to log the details in Chinese but the re…
## Summary
Trying to print xml data in to the report using the info section but it is escaping the xml tags and priting only the data.But my project requirement is we need to print the request an…
It would be nice if the Timestamp field was wide enough that the data doesn't wrap, so it all shows on one line. As it stands, the last digit and the AM/PM wraps to the next line, so it can look like …
I'm using Selenium Java and 2.41.2 of extent Report with TestNG Framework
Is there a good description link about it or examples?
I created two classes: ExtentManager and ExtentTestManager.
Hi Anshooarora,
Im beginner here to set up extentx server for my C# project. I've set up completely all the installation steps. When i triggered my test, there is no any test results shown in local…
## Summary
Extent report is not capturing all executed TestNG classes in extent report
## Expected Behavior
It should capture all executed classes
## Current Behavior