I believe `rsync` and `scp` can tab-complete remote paths. It would be nice to have this in `rclone` too. Here's some Stack Exchange [discussion](https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/33495/126433) of the …
I started using wiki.vim a few weeks ago, and it's already becoming a mess.
Using a good tool is not foolproof if you don't know how to use it correctly. Merely studying the wiki.vim help pages and l…
**Describe the bug**
While running a remote control command, or perhaps a _specific_ remote control command, kitty randomly (and rarely) hangs.
**To Reproduce**
> Exact repro steps are, unfortuna…
See also https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Modern_C_porting.
In Clang/LLVM 16 the following errors are enabled by default:
Thanks @roosta for this wonderful plugin.
**Feature Request**
Just wanted to check if it is possible to add a preview(with context) of the focussed line in the fzf matches. This will help to read …
One practical use-case of this is wanting to embed something (such as dmenu) into the mpv window to use as a menu/selection.
It's currently possible to:
* Listen for 'current-window-scale' chang…
N-R-K updated
2 years ago
For certain usages of fzf, like when there is a preview window open, it would be very handy if typing only selected a candidate but did not filter candidates, as the candidate list may provide valuabl…
Would be nice to support [ion shell](https://github.com/redox-os/ion) too :angel:.
For now fuzzy finder shows non-unicode results. Is unicode support in plans?
When I want to run the demo in my Intel macbook pro, I received the following error:
❯ Scripts/mascot.sh tutorial
Running Documents/Code/C++/MP-SPDZ/Scripts/../mascot-party.x 0 tutorial -pn…