![recipe-it - db design](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/15648358/26186865/afb36f90-3b8c-11e7-8dc8-562dc2515627.png)
![show tables](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/15648358/2618…
Japan Cosmetic Industry Association maintains a list of INCI names translated Japanese. These could be added to the OBF ingredients taxonomy. There is a [search page](https://www.jcia.org/user/busines…
1. Open the dialogue with Thumbnail and info inputs
-> Save the recipe information (get ID back)
-> Upload imgae
-> Next step
2. Add recipe ingredients and method screen
-> Call get ingredi…
Find By Ingredients
url = 'https://api.spoonacular.com/recipes/findByIngredients?ingredients=%s&number=10&ranking=1&ignorePantry=true&apiKey=
Find By Recipe ID
As a user, I should be able to cook a meal if I do have enough ingredients in my pantry. As a result, cooking the meal should remove the ingredients from my pantry.
Add onions and corresponding instructions to the following sections:
- Ingredients
- Instructions
**Describe the bug**
If the Fermentation Vat contains an Oak Log and a Alcemical Sulfur [Dragon Egg] with Water, the μs/t goes all the way up to 4-6000. While playing on a server this basically means…
### Description
- Add a filter to recipe recommendations to limit number of ingredients
- some of the recipes have way too many ingredients
- maybe in increments of max 10, 15, 20, etc
## Use case
Ideally users could spot errors in the ingredients and submit corrections or even completely new ones.
## Proposal
Take a look at the Open Food Facts package, and if this is not p…