Tests ERS_Ln9.ne120_ne120_mt12.F1850C5.cheyenne_intel.cam-outfrq9s and
ERS_Ln9.f19_f19_mg16.F1850C5.cheyenne_intel.cam-outfrq9s are failing due to a
difference in a single CLM field: FCANEQ
### Your GTNH Discord Username
### Your Pack Version
### Your Proposal
Seeing as the modpack is using subscript very well for chemical formulae, it would be remiss if th…
So far, the molfile parser only extracts the element symbol from the v3000 molfile bond block in `parse_molfile3000()` using
`element_symbols = [`
`l[3] for l in lines[atom_block_offset : atom_b…
Exactly as the title says, all lanthanides are classified as radioactive on the periodic table, when only promethium is radioactive.
The first atom test seems a bit odd - it looks like it should read "[!#1:1].…
(base) macbook-pro:~/phet/git2/build-a-nucleus # grunt --brands=phet --locales=en --allHTML --debugHTML
Running "lint-all" task
[ ] 0.00%=============
# Comment 1
activated_qty = IsotopeQuantity(iso2, date='2017-05-01', bq=103.2)
na23_qty = ni.activate(barns, initial=iso, activated=activated_qty)
gives nan g
# Comment 2
In https://github.com/phetsims/qa/issues/869, we discovered that a sim with shared strings won't have a shared strings table. I looked at the code, and I think we need to check if there's a translated…
Hi, I'm encountering a segfault related to the Integratedriftspectrum function when analysing diaPASEF data using OpenSwathWorkflow.
I built OpenSwathWorkflow from source using the …
I am concerned that GBIf is going to do whatever it wants and we are wasting our time - https://github.com/gbif/registry/issues/247
How can we get everyone pulling in the same direction?