i wrote this code :
`getVideoDevices() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ConnectyCube.videochat.getMediaDevices('videoinput').then(devices => {
devices ? resolve(de…
Hi guys
I use Persian calendar. everything is OK, except start date in month view.
in my vps centos 7 with ocserv 12.5 and freeradius 3.0.13-10.el7_6 standard installation with radius auth & acct
when in connect from clinet to server 2 database record created with same "acctse…
I have done the above example and it works , now I add one extra scope which is https://dynamics.microsoft.com/business-central/overview/user_impersonation (I need it for Business central )
but it fai…
hi , i have a question - i wanna convert gregorian calendar to jalali calendar , so which files should i change?
I want contribute in MaterialDateTimePicker to create jalali Calendar(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jalali_calendar
) , but I don't know
how I can do this!
can you help me how can start this?
The standard name using for the calendars didn't correct.
Hi, Moment-jalali.js having month names with wrong spelling names. fixed it with replacing after reading the value in my controller. any other options ...?
currently -->
_jMonths: [ 'Farvardin'
Make sure to add **all the information needed to understand the bug** so that someone can help. If the info is missing we'll add the 'Needs more information' label and close the issue until there is e…
import jdatetime
for i in range(1, 10):
print(jdatetime.date(1398, 1, i).weeknumber())
results into:
which is clearly wrong as 3rd Farvardin 139…