**Describe the bug**
I compiled and installed Miteiru 5.3.0 from source code for my Linux machine. It would not run because of to-jyutping.
The output in my terminal shows:
A JavaScript error occ…
Is there a way to get jieba to handle mixed text?
such as this:
> 罐身上的“SAP No. 1293164 ”
the english characters all get split into single letters:
> 罐 身上 的 “ S A P N o . 1 2 9 3 1 6 4 ”
## Description
- Even with the official Jupyter scipy-based image ([jupyter/scipy\-notebook](https://jupyter-docker-stacks.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using/selecting.html#jupyter-scipy-notebook)), th…
**Vielen Dank für Deine Arbeit und Dein Video!**
Die Installation endete mit
`Installing collected packages: typing-extensions, pydantic-core, nvidia…
1. 网站名称
2. 使用页面
登录页面, https://www.tianyancha.com/
3. 版本
4. 参数抓包地址
https://www.tianyancha.com/verify/geetest.xhtml (post, 有前置请求)
import (
jbt.jieba = gojieba.NewJieba(
2024-08-28 20:19:17 /root/.go/go1.21…
### Describe your problem
res = table_instance.create_index(
infinity.index.IndexInfo("body", infinity.index.IndexType.FullText, [infinity.index.In…
AILab的向量都是中文词向量,而在STC数据集生成的都是以字为单位,请问您在测试的时候,是将STC_test和模型生成的文本转换成词的形式计算,还是没经过分词处理,直接计算Embedding Average和Greedy Matching