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for status of requirements
there is no method that returns the recently performed test cases
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There is no method that returns the status of requirements
should be possible to obtain inform…
The media-explorer telepathy-plugin is almost complete. http://cgit.collabora.com/git/media-explorer.git/ telepathy-plugin branch. And as such we would like to request a few icons to be added to the …
Critical error is thrown for the given view schema:
$all_objects = $q->list_objects();
if (count($all…
| | |
| Bugzilla Link | [PR9798](https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9798) |
| Importance | P n…
- Convert iphone web application (change framework)
- Add a mobile phone detection
Some bugs that were added during the execution of the tests run don't displays the complete name, probably due to special characters.
For example:
In a testrun (e.g. https://meego.qualitio.com/execute/#testrun/32/execute/), select any testcase, in Bugs panel on the bottom, it's not possible add any bugs because it's blocked.
The log in the inte…
Mex seems unable to read/generate thumbnails from local files:
Mex-Message: Cannot generate thumbnail for file:///home/guido/Video/big%20bang%20theory/The.Big.Bang.Theory.4x04.La.Deviazione.Del.Troll…