The core of state estimation is to use the measurement redundancy to estimate the real grid status (Vm, Va, power injection on buses and power flow on branches). In current implementation, the …
edges in multigraph for parallel lines currently are translated like this:
0: {"weight": 1, "key": 2, "element": "l"},
1: {"weight": 1, "key": 3, "element": "l"}
for two pandapower lines wi…
### Description
Busbar representations are a nice feature since it looks quite messy if a certain number of elements are connected to a bus. So i tried to use the new feature in an example. I tried t…
init='results' does not check if there are results for aux buses.
pp.create_bus(net=net,name="slack_bus", vn_kv=1)
I discovered a minor flaw regarding the implementation of convert_format. In convert_format there is a code block that converts the dtypes of all DataFrame columns to the correct type.
Hi everyone,
I am trying to make the transition from matpower to pandapower. That is why I am trying to solve a system in pandapower that showed convergence in matpower before. So far I haven't rea…
I have a simple grid, which looks like this:
| | |
The function `topology.de…
The usage of numpy asmatrix raises Deprecation Warnings in numpy 1.15.4:
PendingDeprecationWarning: the matrix subclass is not the recommended way to represent matrices or deal with linear algebra (s…
Hi team,
Great work on this application so far. I'm an experienced consultant in the field of PSA and I'm interested in using this tool, potentially for commercial applications. However, I note the…
- **Just like in categories/tag archive page**
- **or a sticky one like on mademis…