**Describe the bug**
Command `briefcase build` sometimes needs multiple runs to build entirely (and sometimes will not build at all).
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Hello W…
In the last few days the Homebrew formula for Python has been updated to use Python 3.8 (it was previously Python 3.7).
This change has broken building SoapySDR, so installing it using `brew instal…
"ArrayFire is a general-purpose library that simplifies the process of developing software that targets parallel and massively-parallel architectures includin…
The macOS Travis CI build failed for commit 9f4342b.
See log: https://travis-ci.org/github/AlbrechtL/welle.io/jobs/707200144
@orryverducci Can you have a look, please?
is it possible that the SoapySDRServer has an issue with hackrf?
I can confirm my device is working when connecting to it locally through gr-osmosdr
However when I connect to it using SoapySDR …
##### Expected Behavior
Connect Adalm Pluto, start URH, choose spectrum analyzer, see connection messages to Pluto, push button on KlikAanKlikUit transmitter for 433.92 MHz.
See a signal in the freq…
This is on latest Catalina 10.15 with the latest version of Xcode and cli tools 11.5.
Running `softwareupdate --all --install --force` doesn't update since there isn't an update available.
## User Story
As a developer I need seed data for all my collections to test my app
## AC
WHEN the database collections are viewed
THEN there should be 3 collections of data: users, plants,…
Great Project! Unfortunately the brew installation fails on Mac OSX 10.15.4-x86_6…
Can I have a link to download volk and soapysdr dll? I can't find them.