If I have a local in my environment named `x` and set to `5`, and I send
to Stata,
1. If the selection sent is a single identifier
2. Check if the selection matches a program, first …
This [project documentation ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LhNpXGXmkPOxp_cp0-c9G7xqnihwApq-eZSa99exfcU/edit?pli=1) seriously needs an attentive update and a shiny place in the GitHub docs.
**Describe the bug**
I was able to use HF_COLIN standalone mode up until commit [daae890].
Every version after that fails during the "WRITING FLASH" procedure and the Proxmark timeouts.
Also new SP…
**Operating environment/Installation (Hass.io.):**
**ESP (ESP32/ESP8266, Board/ndemcu):**
**Description of problem:**
**Problem-relevant YAML-configuration entri…
Unrelated PRs are failing the same way:
+[[ -n numpy scipy gmpy2 matplotlib theano llvmlite autowrap cython wurlitzer python-symengine=0.3.* tensorflow numexpr ipython antlr-python-r…
Hydrogen as the name implies is the first element in the world with the atomic number of 1 and atomic weight of 1.008. This implies Hydrogen to be the first token with great features in the blockchain…
**What language is it in?**
It is an app written in Android, Java and C++.
`//Unlock level`
`private int getToken(int num){`
` // Code integration to connect to Hydrogen API.`
` if(t…
@pixelzoom, @amanda-phet - I was playing with Gas Properties on phettest and found myself clicking the titles of the accordion boxes to open/close and wondering why it wasn't working - then recalling …
HYDRO: The smart world security
Hydro is the blockchain application of Hydrogen, an API platform that allows developers to build sophisticated fintech apps in minutes. Hydro enables private finan…
Hey! Is there a way to make Mekanism fluids and gases compat with TechReborn? I suggest to make fluid-dict. Also, it will be nice to see oil compat (Thermal Expansion, Immersive Petroleumm GalactiCraf…