Thank you for maintaining this repo! It's been a fantastic resource for my sites.
I recently did a major upgrade and was bitten by a breaking change in v8, whereby SparkPost's `esp_extra` needed va…
I am attempting to setup [Onion Omega2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega2_(computer)) Developments stack without the real hardware using arm_now. Mostly for Python scripts with stubs for hardware s…
mypy is a statical type checker for python. It needs additional annotations into the source code and we should use it.
### Description
This is probably more of an OpenXLA issue, feel free to close it if so.
The last version of XLA/Jaxlib is shipping without libdevice.so.10 and it looks for it elsewhere.
I am us…
when I try to type import Rhino.
It said
unresolved import 'Rhino'
I am spread too thin with other OS projects, and since I don't use this project it's hard to justify spending time in this vs others.
I am happy to stay involved in the issues and help where I can,
Is there any plan to include type hints to parsimonious classes?
- [x] Make mypy work with PyUnity
- [x] Finish stub files
- [x] Identify stub problems
- [x] Check stub file and source code compatability
- [x] Fix stubtest
- [x] Automate mypy
- [x] Automate s…
There are a few use cases when stubs may be compelling over type annotations or type comments:
- annotate code that needs to be Python 2 compatible, ideally by using type annotations (so no type co…
This describes a procedure for using the command line tool `pyright` (https://github.com/microsoft/pyright/blob/master/docs/command-line.md) to identify places in the pandas code that are missing typ…