After upgrading to Meteor 1.7, the application works on the browser, but throws several errors when deploying to an Android device:
=> Started your app.
I'm trying to build a meteor app in a Docker container, 1.7 rc 11, node:8.11.2 image.
The build works fine on my local machine, but in Docker it fails ENOENT looking for package dependencies, eg …
**[Konstantin Volivach](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=kostya05983)** opened **[DATAMONGO-2354](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAMONGO-2354?redirect=false)** and commented
In re…
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'angular2-meteor-accounts-ui' in Angular2 Beta.17 :
My code:
import {Page, NavController, } from 'ionic-angular';
import {Component, NgZone} from 'angular2/angular2…
works and is similarly configured to the broken pipeline
> Bug: Received a food item from completing a task, but it does not show up in the quick inventory on /inventory/stable until refreshing the page.
From Report a Bug. Not confirmed. I would expect t…
I've noticed that fields that have been removed from a document from the resulting pipeline aren't removed from the mini-mongo.
I've looked through the package and found that the `sub.changed(local…
After running this command, in order to generate a meteor app
`meteor create app`
I get the following error messages:
I have a method which with the flux ids paramter.
fun findXxByIdIn(ids: Flux): Flux
Now I boot my server which use the webflux for http request, when I request a GET request which will tu…
## Version Information
Meteor version: 1.8.1-rc.1
Last working version: N/A
OS: Mac OS
## Expected Behavior
Oplog should work without errors when using subscriptions/publications with transacti…