_This is an issue to track the progress of integrating the benchmarks submitted to the 2022 repository [here](https://github.com/SMT-LIB/benchmark-submission-2022/pull/15). Due to the size of the con…
The program:
#define UINT8 unsigned char
#define UINT16 unsigned short int
#define UINT32 unsigned long
#define UINT64 unsigned long long
typedef void (*REGISTER_HANDLER)(U…
Recently, I parsed seed below with `parse_smt2_file` in z3py.
(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6)
(set-logic QF_BV)
(set-info :source |
Patrice Godefroid, SAGE (systematic dynamic test…
For this instance, cvc5 https://github.com/cvc5/cvc5/commit/d87874506a956c1d9f97233fff38ee25945e32d2 throws segmentation fault.
$ cvc5 small.smt2
cvc5 suffered a segfault in DEBUG mode.
Commit: https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/commit/624907823dbf10e5df874eb72989d6afa807edf8
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
[605] % z3release small.smt2
[606] % cat small.smt2
(declare-fun a () Int…
I have the following code snippet:
z3::expr f = ....;
z3::expr g = ....;
z3::expr_vector args(ctx);
z3::func_decl fFunc = ctx.recfun("f", bvSort, …
On the following input
(set-logic ALL)
(declare-datatype T
((T (T_id String)))
I get different output depending on whether I give it as a file or through standa…
I'm looking into using Boogie with CVC5 (for Dafny). I see that the support is marked as "experimental" in the README, but what does that exactly mean? Is it expected to generally work?
To get som…
**Description**: ASSERTION VIOLATION, seems to be related to empty list
small code `small.smt2` to reproduce:
(declare-datatypes () ((mylist (cons (hd Int) (tl mylist)) empty)))
$ ./bach
Bitte nennen sind Sie erst die Anzahl an Bits, die Sie fuer den Exponenten und dann für die Mantisse verwenden wollen
sh: 1: z3: not found
$ ~/Documents/repos/bitwuzla/buil…