The performance benchmarks are implemented [here](https://xgi-org.github.io/xgi/dev/bench/) but some things left to do:
- [ ] Change the units of the results to time, not iterations/time
- [ ] Chang…
### Description
Fitting a model with the composition operator sometime like `(physical_model | response)` where physical model has units has one unit e.g. watts or photons etc and the response mode…
julia> uconvert(u"1/km", 3.0u"1/m")
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching uconvert(::Quantity{Int64, 𝐋^-1, Unitful.FreeUnits{(km^-1,), 𝐋^-1, nothing}}, ::Quantity{Float64, 𝐋^-1, Unitful.FreeU…
Hola! Una consulta sobre objects and data structures, por lo que tengo entendido las clases deben representar un objeto, escondiendo su estructura interna y exponiendo abstracciones, o una estructura …
### Component(s)
_No response_
### Describe the issue you're reporting
This is the `contrib` equivalent issue for https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/issues/10556
It would be nice if the units were local language oriented for RelativeTimestamps.
## Context
We often stack our river to create a product features et narrative. This leads to long pages that spread small amount of incremental information over lots of scroll and many demos. By cond…
### Description
When configured to export a Meter from System.Diagnostics.Metics , the Prometheus metrics names reported via `/metrics` are a bit _off_. The metrics end up with trailing underscores …
What are the units in the outputted file WATER.COEFF? [This line](https://github.com/AER-RC/MT_CKD/blob/72c0c0dccb2caec13c3b7e278b28f1301d95edfc/run_example/WATER.COEF_mt_ckd_AER#L103) says that the 4…
# Acceptance criteria
- [ ] XValue classes in units.py are removed
# Sprint Ready Checklist
- [ ] 1. Acceptance criteria defined
- [ ] 2. Team understands acceptance criteria
- [ ] 3. Team h…