I try to convert my custom darknet .weights to .h5 but i got error 'AssertionError'
this is my command :
`!convert-darknet-weights ./yolov4-digits-digital_best.weights -o yolov4-digits_digital…
0.03609814882278442 seconds, 27.702251572768194FPS, @batch_size 1
Hi @Tianxiaomo , I just ported your Yolov4 to Pytorch Lightning. I get the following results evaluating with `pycocotools`
| mAP@0.5 | mAP@0.5:0.95
-- | -- | --
TianXiaomo(pycocotools evaluatio…
Very helpful. Thank you very much!
`! pip uninstall tensorflow`
`! pip install tensorflow==2.3.0`
It can be helpful. Put this snippet right before Step 5.
_Originally posted by @seawavve in ht…
I am getting "Killed" error message after some number of iterations (ranges from 30 to 70)
(next mAP calculation at 1000 iterations)
30: 3370.036133, 3351.016846 avg loss, 0.000000 r…
I am running YOLOv4 using adversarial training however I keep getting the error 'cannot open display' and I am using the -dont_show flag.
I have tried setting adversarial_lr to 1 and 0.05 but I am…
in your example, you used pretrained yolov3-tiny model for testing those sample images. i used pretrained yolov4-tiny models [here (search yolov4-tiny in page)](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet) to…
![螢幕快照 2021-01-22 下午7 16 01](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/41318292/105484706-bb53d900-5ce6-11eb-99dd-8dbeeef77e83.png)
大神好,我想用自己訓練的yolov4-tiny 在 android-ncnn 檢測目標