# Week of 01-09, FE and BE Intro Tech Talks | APCSP
Student start Frontend and Backend development for their Create Performance Task project
# Week of 11-14, Tri 2 Into, Tools and Issues | APCSP
Overview of objectives for Trimester 2. Lessons, Algorithms, and Create Performance Task.
# P3-M 4/26 Frontend-Backend Dev w/Big Idea 1 | APCSP
AP Computer Science Principles course materials.
# P5-Y 4/24 SASS and JavaScript | APCSP
A guide on SASS and JavaScript to help with Big Idea 3
# Week of 01-16, API and Database Intro | APCSP
Student enable API/Control code to connect Database/Model for their Create Performance Task project
# Week of 01-16, API and Database Intro | APCSP
Student enable API/Control code to connect Database/Model for their Create Performance Task project
App Lab quiz: https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/BYAxwarxtcyBcuCEz2Z1t6Yv2dcq22RKHs--IVU17A0
App Lab Blog: https://b3nto4lunch.github.io/Ederick-s-2022-2023-APCSP-Blog/2022/09/11/Appdata.html
# P4-Y 4/25 Guide to SASS | APCSP
An guide on how to use SASS to build a more customized frontend.
# P4-M 4/28 Binary Lesson | APCSP
Binary lesson plan for basic binary, boolean expressions, binary conversions, and binary searches.
# P5-Y 4/27 Data Related to User Guide | APCSP
A guide to adding data related to user (Big Idea 2)