### Summary
Even for a bare minimum example as described in [documentation](https://docs.expo.dev/versions/latest/sdk/location/), `expo-
location` module adds the permission "ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION"…
when I'm going to use the plugin I get this msg.
To avoid unexpected runtime failures, or future build failures, try to see if this plugin supports the Android V2 embedding. Otherwise, consider rem…
java.io.FileNotFoundException: No '*.apk' files in directory: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.abdurazaaqmohammed.AntiSplit/cachecom.reandroid.apk.ApkBundle.loadApkDirectory(SourceFile:51)com.rean…
### Description
I'm getting an error when building the app for Android, using Unity 6000.0.23f1 (LTS).
The error occurs when using Firebase Analytics in combination with LevelPlay with AdMob…
monsterstep:canvascamera zhanghong$ meteor run android-platform
Error while running for mobile platforms: Error running /Users/zhanghong/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.1.0.35.wql4jh++os.osx.x86_64+web.…
`@notifee/react-native": "^9.0.2"`
`"expo": "~51.0.28"`
`"minSdkVersion": 34`
Test device: Pixel 7a on Android 14.
Currently trying to use Notifee to register a foreground service so that I ca…
## Environment
**Flutter version:** Flutter 1.12.13+hotfix.5 • channel stable
**Plugin version:** master
**Android version:** Building debug apk or running on android 8.0which -->
## Descr…
Are you planning an fdroid release?
I used this build command: ```p4a apk --debug --private /my-app/ --orientation user --window --package=org.example.myapp --name "My application" --version 0.1 --bootstrap=sdl2 --requirements=python3cr…
ghost updated
3 years ago
I used the package in another project with RN 0.63+ and everything worked well .
But after upgrading to the latest version, the following error will cause:
A problem occurred configuring pr…