#### I'm submitting a ...
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#### What is the cur…
I want to open a desktop application and check some labels text in it.
I am using "Robot Framework " http://serhatbolsu.github.io/robotframework-appiumlibrary/AppiumLibrary.html#Activate%20Applicatio…
The problem
I have been using appiumlibrary version for some time now but having migrated to python 3 and latest libraries where possible, I upgraded to 2.0.0. The issue I see is that when…
I have an issue when test cases are starting. This is my error message
`[ ERROR ] not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1) `
But test case's results are correctly imported to Report Porta…
I am unable to use Tap in appiumlibrary for webelements in robot framework.
Can you please suggest some examples on how to use it.
Hello @serhatbolsu
Would be possible to open a deeplink and trigger to open the app?
Something like AppiumLibrary.Go to Url
If this is not possible any workaround that I can to to click on…
[XCUITest] The capabilities 'autoAcceptAlerts' and 'autoDismissAlerts' do not work for XCUITest-based tests. Please adjust your alert handling accordingly.
'autoAcceptAlerts' does not useful. Is th…
Hello. I would like to suggest adding some kind of integration with Sauce Labs with the AppiumLibrary.
Here's an example of how to use Sauce Labs with SeleniumLibary now:
It seems that we've only begun seeing this issue since the 18th May and only on the site: https://m.youtube.com
Testing with Appium desktop 1.6.1 and Chromedriver 2.38 and Android 4.4 device. Same …
I'm trying to use WebElement list to be able to select elements by index.
I am using Appium keyword - Get Web Element following an example from documentation:
@{elements} Get Webelements class=UIABu…