- Device: bq Aquarius E4.5
- Channel: Candidate
- Build: 2021-W45 (seems happens before, maybe OTA-19)
### Steps to reproduce
This happens when the phone is inactive (screen off) AND the phone i…
Hello Benjamin,
thank you for your plugin! I am on revo 2.2.0 pl2
I have download it today as package 1.0.0 pl
Hope it is the right one? In backend is announced under information:
``` html
### **Background**
Currently we try to create and maintain list of datatokens and datapools (tokenlist) which is sourced from Ocean Aquarius. Since there is no direct api call to source this list …
If I try using Ubuntu SDK to compile Beru (for a different platform; e.g., the emulator) the build fails with error "error: poppler/qt5/poppler-qt5.h: No such file or directory".
I assumed this meant…
The existing _fputc_cons_native_ and _fgetc_cons_native_ routines rely on calling routines in the original aquarius ROM. This works fine with the Aquarius+ until banking is enabled. When banking is en…
My playlist is built from a folder on extern SD-card, which ist FAT32-formatted. Half of the items appear like this:
The other half:
"Aquarius - Hair.mp3
If I play the first…
I've noticed that the volume rendering often produces strange gaps, almost like there are z-slices missing from datasets (example pictures below). There are definitely no 'missing parts' to the data, …
In the workflow schema that it's passed to the compute service is one section called output.
"output": {
"brizoAddress": "0x4aaab179035dc57b35e2ce066919048686f82972",
It would be nice if commands hot-reloaded during development - not quite sure how this would work, but I imagine if we map commands to files and then have a file watching command that unregisters / re…
At present, we treat each list node as an entire block, similar to this.
![CleanShot 2023-05-30 at 18 58 29@2x](https://github.com/facebook/lexical/assets/16633962/7d013006-d2a3-42a6-9a0d-0cb95c9e74e…