## Selection Criteria:
1. **Features are Obvious** - Clearly identifiable features from the readme or additional documentation (english language)
2. **Java main** - more than 90% Java classes in the…
It would be great to use EF7 for accessing relational dbs and for accessing graph dbs like ArangoDb, don't you think? This is a post introducing how it has to be done:
In v1 arangodb client we had this function "WithQueryForceOneShardAttributeValue" to set the value of ForceOneShardAttribute . In v2 version of the client we dont have this function . Need help to ad…
## My Environment
* __ArangoDB Version__: 3.9.2
* __Deployment Mode__: Single Server
* __Deployment Strategy__: Manual Start in Docker
* __Operating System__: Fedora 32
I tried running mongodb with ycsb and got it to work, however I am trying to use 0.17.0 and I'm getting this error when I try to run the workload.
java -cp /usr/local/ycsb-0.17.0/mongodb…
I see mongodb is supported in TypeORM.
I would like to suggest the support of an ArangoDB adapter on here as well.
I also would not mind submitting a PR if I can somehow…
Hi, I'm trying out arangodbclient on a new sample.
1. After I call CreateWithSetting, how do I check that the db connection is valid? I don't see a valid connection or check.
2. CreateDatabase w…
arangodb 2.3.0 converts utf8 75cc88 (its an ü at least in OS X file paths) to UTF8:c3 bc Unicode U+00FC
# post document {"path":"für"}
# the ü is encoded in 3 bytes 75=u and cc + 88 for t…
baslr updated
7 years ago
I m looking for a project like this but it's been a while it has been developed, what's it's status?
This ArangoDB Go driver is still under heavy development, but the concepts behind the API and most of the API functions & types are getting close to what we want them to be.