For tables and indexes?
omora updated
3 years ago
Hi, just sample setup:
# ================= Providers pom/page_input_providers/providers.py
import logging
from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
from scrapy_poet.page_input_pr…
Running this code:
import org.apache.jena.query.QueryFactory;
Query q = QueryFactory.create("SELECT * WHERE { ?p \"Hello\" . }");
Getting this error stack trace:
great project, missing library in the project, if possible, send the complete package. =D
Consider the pattern used by https://github.com/AdRoll/batchiepatchie to run a backend server for submitting and monitoring jobs. The current patterns for CLI scripting can tie up the user without an…
Modify ITJiraGovernorTest to have method
``` java
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void willBeSkippedBecauseUnresolved()
### Version
### Question
I have some questions about the interaction of GRAPH graph patterns and subquries.
I am using version 5.2.0.
Assume the scenario described below.
1. 引言KCP 是一个快速可靠的 ARQ (Automatic Repeat-reQuest, 自动重传请求) 协议, 采用了不同于 TCP 的自动重传策略, 有着比 TCP 更低的网络延迟. 实际通常使用 KCP over UDP 代替 TCP, 应用在网络游戏和音视频传输中. KCP 的实现短小精悍,…
sparql-mode queries SPARQL endpoints that is specified with variables like this;
sparql-default-base-url "..." ;; org-babel-execute:sparql gets endpoint from param :url
From @rjb1000, Richard Bradbury, in private email:
> **RTCP-based feedback.** This is important for congestion control, but is becoming increasingly relevant to ARQ-based retransmission too. For e…