I'm running into the following error when bootstrapping Easybuild:
run_cmd init cmd gcc -v failed:[Errno 2] No such file or directory'
Full logs:
foo:~$ python bootstrap_eb.py $EAS…
I receive the aforementioned errors when I open a .rb file in Visual Studio Code (VSC), even after running 'gem install solargraph' in the terminal.
![Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 3 33 21 AM](…
# Tinkering With Entitias – Entitiasteroids
Lets face it. Mining is tedious and dangerous, and can get boring at times.
Its even worse when R&D runs off to do xenobio all shift.
And worse when suddenly, robotics is complaining of a lack of me…
### Why
While wrapping up the BIP Integration Service we uncovered how easy it is for an improperly formatted message to send RabbitMQ and one of our consumer services into an infinite loop of failed …
Port master seems to work, kind off...
It was able to open PM and it auto updated to 2024.05.31-1042 (beta channel selected as default in CrossMix).
All ports that I installed through PM failed …
This is probably a good job for Ash to spearhead using the feedback from Philemon and possibly Efatha.
I will create an Upwork job.
I used iPad pro M1(2021) with iPad OS 15.4 trying to install texlive with ish but it crashed every time. I think M1 ipad pro is powerful enough to install it but it falied. The crash report is below.
2024-04-02 14:10:01,671 DEBG 'mqtt' stdout output:
PhpMqtt\Client\MqttClient->connectInternal() at /home/app/vendor/php-mqtt/client/src/MqttClient.php:123
2024-04-02 14:10:01,672 DEBG 'mqtt' stdo…
Greetings, I'm using Reachability installed using CocoaPods with version:
- ReachabilitySwift (3)
When using Reachability in iOS 10 Simulator, disconnection is normally detected (I'm doing that by t…