There are lots of async libraries. Add support for an implementation-agnostic way of doing catui operations. These would be documented so that someone using an async library like boost asio or libuv w…
I'm using this library (awesome by the way) as a client on a secure server, which keeps receiving messages 24/7. But sometimes I get this error:
[error] handle_read_frame error: asio.ssl:335544539 …
We should bring rules_boost to the Bazel Central Registry.
In the long term there should be `rules_boost` (this repo) and `boost` as drafted [here](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-central-regis…
Self explanatory. Use curlib? boost::asio? We would prefer to not use boost::asio in order to minimize external dependencies.
Is there a stable C++ library for reading remote files?
arq5x updated
11 years ago
I am trying to compile basic program:
auto main() -> int { auto b = boost::asio::basic_stream_file{}; }
`g++ ./not_compiling.cpp -std=c++20 -lboost -o boost_…
The problem:
// Standard library support for aligned allocation.
# if (__…
$ cmake --build build
[25/771] Generating generated_fonts/imgui_fonts/notosansjp_regular.ttf.g.cpp
[43/771] Generating generated_fonts/imgui_fonts/proggyvector_regular.ttf.g.cpp
[638/771] Building …
I was wondering if it is possible to co_await a promise to be set by another thread in Boost::Asio?
The reason I am asking this is that many 3rd Party DB Connector libraries implement their own threa…
In file boost/asio/detail/impl/socket_ops.ipp:
boost/asio/detail/impl/socket_ops.ipp:2523:7: error: 'sprintf' is deprecated: This function is provided for compatibility reasons only. Due…
make throws this error
dezza updated
3 years ago