这里我记录下搭建基于 karma+mocha+webpack3+vue2 的测试环境。因为之前折腾了一段时间,发现的坑挺深的,防止后面再次掉进坑里,留个笔记。如果这边文章能解决大家遇到的问题那就更好了😉
## 1、需要安装哪些包
> 以下列出来的包安装在项目中即可,还有几个包需要全局安装:
> babel、mocha、karma
**babel 相关的:**
- babe…
An optional mechanism to structure tests into Given/When/Then syntax would be helpful for new learners; it would not ever be required.
I'm unsure how this can be achieved nicely in a PHP syntax so in…
Trying Meteor 1.9 which includes node 12, requires fibers@4 for Node 12
I am attempting to use docker and devtools service together to evaluate performance of a page. Running locally. I am running into issues when I include ‘devtools’ as a service along with docker servic…
Write your thoughts about the "[don't use should](http://betterspecs.org/#should)" best practice.
Investigate possible test frameworks and methods that we can get tests in place to help us avoid regressions and provide us with more confidence when making changes to the codebase.
@seanforyou23 @…
## Acceptance Criteria
- [x] Mask this behavior behind a Flipper
- [x] Update the `EVSS::DisabilityCompensationForm::Form0781` job to use the shared endpoint functionality that was implemented in htt…
As of today there are no automated tests whatsoever across the whole project. If Superalgos should be not just feature-rich flexible system but also highly resilient, automated testing is a must. As p…
**Environment (please complete the following information):**
- Node.js version: [e.g. 8.9.1]
- NPM version: [e.g. 5.8.0]
- Browser name and version: [e.g. Chrome 68]
- Platform name and versio…