您好,关于optimizer的设置,您这边设置了 'img_backbone': dict(lr_mult=0.1),请问这个有什么特殊的说法吗?
optimizer = dict(
Hello, is it possible to use the camera directly in the model to generate results in real time? Like yolo, you can input the camera data and get the result in real time.
There is an error
`cannot import name 'track_iter_progress' from 'mmcv.utils'`
when run the toolkit to prepare data for track-1
Can you share more information about the mm3d version to run the b…
Thanks for your great work. I am also exploring this topic and want to cite your work. I need the additional metrics in Table 1, including mATE, mASE, mAOE, mAVE and mAAE of your method and the repro…
I have the following problems when I run"sh samples/test_trt_ops.sh", how can I solve them?
OSError: /home/work/Downloads/BEVFormer_tensorrt/TensorRT/lib/libtensorrt_ops.so: cannot open shared object…
How to remove can bus dependency from BEVFormer (from training and inference both)?
I have the following problems when I run"sh samples/bevformer/plugin/base/pth2onnx.sh", how can I solve them?
RuntimeError: modulated_deformable_im2col_impl: implementation for device cuda:0 not foun…
Thanks a lot for your work! I wanna ask about the total training time on 8 3090s?
运行./tools/dist_train.sh ./projects/configs/bevformer/bevformer_base.py 2时候报错 ,帮忙看一下。
lg_lib = importlib.import_module(_module_path) #这句报错,报错内容如下
I have got a error when I transport ONNX to TRT model by using `sh samples/bevformer/tiny/onnx2trt.sh -d 0`.
The detailed log information is shown as following:
[02/25/2023-12:57:54] […