going back to more stable version, this is exception below happens 2 times.
Unhandled Exception: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred whi
le sending the request. ---> System.Net…
I have an error. not solve please help for us.
Binance.BinanceHttpException: [InternalServerError]: 'Server Error' - An unknown error occured while processing the request. (-1000)
Shes back to work again, little bit more time available. :)
This is a feature that would help people avoid "**429 too many requests**" errors
Consider below (decorator class), wher…
When creating the Candle data in the Binance API
BinanceApi.cs line 274, the Volume is not set,
so when using a strategy with Volume parameter like the MFI then it always return a 0.
so pleas…
Can we have a version without the BinanceSymbol param; analog to this request: `https://api.binance.com/api/v1/ticker/24hr`
What is the correct way to alter the rate limiter on the BinanceApi. This does not seem to work:
var client = new BinanceApi();
var httpClient = client.HttpClient;
I am trying to run:
BinanceSymbol symbol = new BinanceSymbol("ETHBTC");
Session session = (new BinanceApi()).websocketDepth(symbol, new BinanceWebSocketAdapterDepth() {
Since I posted my last issue I thought it best to upgrade, as I witnessed that problem a second time.
I made changes to have it still run, but now after an hour, watchdog timers close all m…
Using the latest nuget package "v.0.2.0-alpha25" in an Xamarin.Android project, calling the parameterless constructor of `BinanceApi` crashes with `System.NotImplementedException: The method or operat…
change 'or' to 'and'
same goes for