1. Why it supports multiple different delimiter symbols in a single …
I'm running into an issue lemmatizing "Toys R Us" in English. Here are the possibly conflicting guidelines:
* Toys R Us is a compositionally interpretable name, so based on the guidelines, it sho…
Assignment says exception should be "not enough arrows" but pytest tests only for capitalized version "Not enough arrows"
I would like to capitalize the passphrases to add another layer of security without compromising an easy way to convey the phrases verbally (in person or over the phone). Would it be possible to add a…
The first letter of prepositions & conjunctions like of, and... should not be capitalized. Isn't it?
Automatically capitalize first letter for titles, or every word, or "important words", or close issue.
- Make a test post `make post`.
- Make non-caps title `Title: test title`.
- Generate `pelican`.…
see that when you create a new file on the tab, the first letter in the namespace is lowercase, b…
// your answers
type IsNotEnglish = Uppercase extends Lowercase ? true : false;
type CapitalizeWords = T extends `${infer First}${infer Rest}`
? IsNotEnglish extends true
? `${Ca…
Prefixes used for the s-update command have to be capitalized, which makes it more troublesome for the user. Maybe let it be case-insensitive?
From entry 1869 till 2157 and from 3067 to 3452 two things happen:
Name in the biography: last name is in capitals, but the rest is in small caps, this also means that most of the entry titles miss p…