**Issue by [georgesnelling](https://github.com/georgesnelling)**
_07/23/14 05:25:19_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/3meters/catalina/issues/144_
When I follow the tutorial[1], I get a traceback ending in "KeyError: 'pressure'". I don't see where the tutorial asks me to define a pressure. Am I missing something? I put all my input files into th…
**Issue by [Jaymassena](https://github.com/Jaymassena)**
_07/24/14 15:52:09_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/3meters/catalina/issues/145_
Static assets: /v1 -> /v1/assets
Currently i'm using your libraries wcsjs.
I have a fits with GLON-CAR e GLON-CAR.
I see that your library not implement for now this value.
Can you help me for this value?
Anyway, thank you…
c2d4u has some old builds on precise:
which(installed.packages()[,"Built"] < 3.0)
Maybe raring is better. Otherwise we might need to wait for saucy :(
As suggested, we have to place /etc/libvmi.conf in Dom0 .However, I am not using xen. After installing KVM-qemu patch , I updated /etc/libvmi.conf with recent kernel os params using findoffset.
**jitsu apps destroy application-name**
Fails with following error:
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command apps destroy ap…