Internal chipwhisperer error trying to setet a chip, error during setting the value of the reset pin.
`NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[32], line…
I started documenting how to build the FPGA source code for the CW-lite version but currently
I am lacking information on how to generate the partial reconfiguration files (.p files).
It would be …
Hi, great work on the CW340 :)
I've just run through the notebook tests with a 340 in its out-of-the-box configuration.
All the tests have passed fine, except the final XADC check hits this asse…
When multiple triggers are generated over the course of a capture (either from the target, or by a Husky trigger module like SAD), and `scope.adc.offset` is non-zero, unlucky combinations of ADC captu…
Good afternoon,
I'm trying to use a chipwhisperer lite on my MacBook Air m1 and I can't connect both.
When I run the Connecting to Hardware file, I get an error after running:
import chipwhispere…
I posted this on the forum but here I a better place I think.
I am having problem with VCC glitching, Sometimes the gpio driving the mofset remains in a high state.
I created a video showi…
I need help with this problem. I am working on a student project in my last year of school. When I try to run FuseSoC with the open titan platform, I have this problem appear, and my work tr…
notebook needs to be pinned at = 7.0.0
perhaps this belongs in chipwhisperer-jupyter requirements.txt not sure
The SAM4S seems to sometimes generate traces that look very different for a small portion of the AES algorithm. It's unclear if this is caused by the data that's being processed or some other reason. …
Rainbow: https://github.com/Ledger-Donjon/rainbow
can be used to simulate execution of a binary target (like ARM-Cortex M4 or some x86). The simulated execution can then be used for leakage simulati…