Thanks for your wonderful work!
I prepare to try MobileVit on small dataset, such as MNIST, and I need adjust the network structure. Before this work, I want to know if MobileVit has a better perfo…
when i added cifar-10 datasets to the ~/.torch/data. then i run the cifar.py ,it remind me this error:
D:\Installation\ANACONDA\envs\senet\python.exe E:\study\AI_acc\senet.pytorch-master\cifar.py…
fzp16 updated
2 months ago
I am training the resnet34 from scratch on CIFAR-10 dataset, also changed some params in train.py as well.
# --config.yaml--
# general
seed: 42
workers: 4
dataset_dir: "./datasets"
I just got 91.31 % top1 Accuracy on dataset 'CIFAR-10' which was 95.5% in your paper. what's the difference of experimental parameters between the original paper and the following two steps?
(1) pyt…
Hi there!
When I tried to use the WideResNet Baseline for the CIFAR dataset classification, there occurs a significant accuracy gap between the model output and the ideal level provided [here](http…
cuda_convert_f32_to_f16() : line: 138 error
What is it?
D:\YOLOv4\darknet-master\build\darknet\x64\data\cifar>darknet classifier train cifar.data cifarsmall.cfg
CUDA-version: 10010 (11000)…
I trained on cifar10 with gpu as follows,
./darknet classifier train cfg/cifar.data cfg/cifar_small.cfg
I found the validation is wrong as follows,
./darknet classifier valid cfg/cifar.data c…
Use pytorch and tesorflow to read CIFAR 10
As the title
It would be good to have a few more example models. One option is to use the [Pipelines exercise](http://ampcamp.berkeley.edu/5/exercises/image-classification-with-pipelines.html) from AMPCamp 5 to do…