# YOLOv8 Multi-Object Tracking
Object tracking is a task that involves identifying the location and class of objects, then assigning a unique ID to that detection in video streams.
The outpu…
The detectron2.modeling.roi_heads.fast_rcnn have no FastRCNNOutputs for the ubteacher/modeling/roi_heads/fast_rcnn.py
ImportError: cannot import name 'FastRCNNOutputs'
Can you help me to resolve thi…
I want to use faster-rcnn to do object detection instead of mask rcnn for splitting, now it always shows insufficient video memory, in fact my video memory still has space, maybe there is a problem wi…
Namespace(weights='./yolov7-w6-face.pt', img_size=960, conf_thres=0.01, iou_thres=0.5, device='4', classes=None, agnostic_nms=False, augment=False, update=False, project='runs/detect', name='exp', exi…
# Abstract
Distance-based methods have demonstrated promise, where testing samples…
When I am running yolov7-pose branch
there is a --save-txt in detect.py
It just save the bounding box information
But I want bbox and kpts info in a txt file
who can help !!!
ValueError: Python inputs incompatible with input_signature: inputs: ( …
I'm adding mask head to the ssd meta architecture. For this I've added necessary changes in the protos and convolution head. Now, the `prediction_dict` has a `mask_predictions` in it using [Convolutio…
Thank you for your contribution!
I am trying to prune a YOLOv5 Nano model by modifying the script of YOLOv7 pruning on this repository. The code is executed without any errors but the MACs…
## Long story short
Now `access_log_class`, `access_log` and `access_log_format` are used by public API to control access logger settings.
It is a design mistake, sorry.
The proposal is: