i am use cocos creator2.4.6 on job,i want to find a way to do like this:
1.player1 connect to my server and reg a account by websocket,so as player2;
2.after player 1 and 2 login and connect in my s…
### Cocos Creator version
### System information
### Issue description
There are two solutions:
- one is to modify the preview mechanism. Now the sourcemap of the engine code is wro…
URL : https://github.com/cocos-creator/creator-docs/blob/master/en/asset/model/glTF.md
I have a question.
glTF 贴图缩小筛选器 | Cocos Creator 贴图缩小筛选器 | Cocos Creator 贴图 Mip Map 筛选器
1. NEAREST | Text…
cocos creator2.x can be embedded in Vue or react projects
### Cocos Creator version
### System information
### Issue description
就可视化编辑区域左上角的那几个工具. 无论哪个 选择后 想去操作节点 都很困难.
因为显示的 控制点的位置 和实际的不一样
### Relevant error log output
_No response_
-basic unlit shader example using vertex color node (no error but I would expect to see the vertex colors defined by the model)
### Cocos Creator version
### System information
### Issue description
iPadOS 版本是 17.5.1 , 微信最新版.
iPhone 的 iOS 17.5.1 是正常的, 但是iPad下就不行, 没有阴影效果.
这个可能是 微信小游戏的bug. 但是我也没有渠道跟微信反馈.
### Cocos Creator version
### System information
Windows 10
### Issue description
When I run the ThirdPersonCharacter project in Simulator mode, the character's walking animation breaks and…
### Cocos Creator version
### System information
### Issue description
1.IOS 17.3.1
2.Create a new project, create a Label, set Bold, and set a custom font, which can be Siyuan Song …
### Cocos Creator version
### System information
### Issue description
It may be related to this: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v17.x/docs/api/intl.html#internationalization-support