I hope this shows up in the images.
One is taken from 469b and the other from 469c both with open GL Renderer and as far as possible exactly same settings, nothing unusual. Brighness setting is same…
The platform has edited some team names wrongly. Is there a way to upload it again? I cannot find the option.
This is a feature request. Currently, when a player for example steals an objective the game will output "Allies have stolen the X".
How about appending the player's name, so it would for example …
Add a graph to the scoreboard that show the top ten teams scoring since the start of the CTF.
Hello, dear Overload community, programmers and fellow pilots.
I'm Gibbs from the Discord server.
### I would like to officially request a repair of the CTF mode in Olmod.
I stumbled of the fa…
# Background
Currently pwn.college hosts a bunch of challenges primarily for the purposes of running ASU's CSE 466. As a result of it being open to the world, other non-ASU and non-466 students ca…
Hi, I appear to be having the same problem as before. Once a game has finished, we hit the reset game and choose the option to delete players. It just hangs there, and then gives a page error. I have …
## Description
One problem I see commonly in build 3900 is when I spawn in a new match as a builder I get no materials but the timer says 40 seconds remaining. I guess that the resupplies spawned b…
I'm trying to run the infrastructure on Firebase as described in the [Readme](https://github.com/google/google-ctf/blob/master/infrastructure/scoreboard/README.md), but I'm getting a `goog is not defi…
New install, database sqlite.
Service wont start with error:
$ sudo systemctl status rtb
● rtb.service - Root The Box daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/rtb.service; enabled; …
dd121 updated
2 years ago