Right now, the project's README file shows a hardcoded 100% coverage badge (see [here](https://github.com/Flexonze/django-auto-actions/blob/main/README.md?plain=1#L7)). To provide more accurate and dy…
## Bug Report:
- **Description:** I can't seem to force high quality of youtube video embedded into [revealjs](https://revealjs.com/backgrounds/#iframe-backgrounds) presentation. Embedded video in p…
Thanks @betelstar !
Peer Feedback:
- @katariasiddhi
- @Haina0
- @Chloe384
- @plnrbrt
It is now time for the peer feedback round for Mini-Project 02. Please
review @betelstar's submission …
## Context
The soft story dataset is at the heart of this project and allow users to search against a database of possible soft story buildings.
The output from this analysis is a general "state…
Hi @michaelweylandt!
## User Story
In order to ensure the quality of our sites, datagovteam would like a reliable report on broken links.
## Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] GIVEN a list of pages
- [ ] _(optional)_ GI…
### Run Information
Name | Value
-- | --
Architecture | x64
OS | ubuntu 22.04
Queue | TigerUbuntu
Baseline | [d9855f27f7d5d5138452009e9f0dd7a81c5c8b74](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/commit/d98…
## Context
This is a task to perform basic EDA on the Liquefaction dataset. We need to make a determination of whether or not we need to use this dataset.
The liquefaction dataset is described as…
Thanks @ayrama !
Peer Feedback:
- @jasonamey
- @Harry-2099
- @betelstar
- @greazyz
It is now time for the peer feedback round for Mini-Project 03. Please
review @ayrama's submission for t…
Let the user choose among various the scaling algorithms.
Reported here: https://x.com/rootEnginear/status/1854485306088800434