Hi. Here is a copy of my console.log output. The script runs in a 5 seconds fetchInterval:
> Humidity 33% Temperature 22°C
> Humidity 33% Temperature 22°C
> **Humidity 0% Temperature 0°C**
> Hum…
I have programmed a sensor class for the DHT11 humidity sensor and probably
other versions of the DHTXX family:
The sensor is utilizing a new C extension for python, to communicate with the
I have programmed a sensor class for the DHT11 humidity sensor and probably
other versions of the DHTXX family:
The sensor is utilizing a new C extension for python, to communicate with the
I have programmed a sensor class for the DHT11 humidity sensor and probably
other versions of the DHTXX family:
The sensor is utilizing a new C extension for python, to communicate with the
I have programmed a sensor class for the DHT11 humidity sensor and probably
other versions of the DHTXX family:
The sensor is utilizing a new C extension for python, to communicate with the
I have programmed a sensor class for the DHT11 humidity sensor and probably
other versions of the DHTXX family:
The sensor is utilizing a new C extension for python, to communicate with the
I have programmed a sensor class for the DHT11 humidity sensor and probably
other versions of the DHTXX family:
The sensor is utilizing a new C extension for python, to communicate with the
equipment: raspi4
os: ubuntu 23.10
pi4j version: 2.4.0
I wrote some code, hoping to get data from DHT 11, after repeated tests, unfortunately I can't get enough 40 bits of data, I think it may be…
Hi everyone,
I have recently started programming my arduino again and stumbled upon a problem that i don't really understand.
I am writing a program that uses a dht11 to detect air humidity and abov…
Pour debugger avec la librairie DHT, il faut en théorie ajouter la ligne suivante au sketch (voir DHT.h), mais cela ne fonctionne pas.
#define DHT_DEBUG
On force en mettant des lignes …