1) Aggiungere come input:
- parametri di tvf-EMD (spline order, btresh)
- singolo canale ausiliario da poter analizzare (invece di dover passare un file con il nome del canale anche se è uno solo)
colab:CUDA-10.1 ,pytorch1.7, python3.7
the trackback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 14, in
from metrics.metric import l1_cd
File "/content/drive/MyDrive/PCN-Py…
Author Name: **Pick-Wei Lau** (Pick-Wei Lau)
Original Redmine Issue: 533, https://emg.nysbc.org/redmine/issues/533
Original Date: 2010-05-21
Original Assignee: Pick-Wei Lau
I tried downloa…
老哥你好,关于您分享的Federated Learning with Non-IID Data这篇文章,有个问题想请教一下,就是在EMD那块,EMD不是一个衡量分布之间差异的指标吗,作者为何行文中都是用E=1E=5这样描述,我不太明白他是怎么计算EMD的,如果是用概率分布计算,我用scipy.stats 的 wasserstein_distance计算EMD都是在0.1左右,想听听你的理解,谢谢。
Following up on #22
> > Provide a func of **`include`** that includes file(s) _without_ further template processing. For those that do need _further_ template processing, use the func **`import`** …
The file **"E:/EMD/EMD_data/test.txt"** is not offered in current project. Please upload it thanks #
Hi, first of all thank you for this very useful code. I was just trying to run it with the example data provided and I ran into the following error:
_Not enough input arguments.
Error in split …
I'm running Julia v1.1.0 on Debian9, and added the repo, and upon trying to 'use' the module have produced errors;
ulia> using EMD
[ Info: Precompiling EMD [3c2051a6-7368-5338-aae3-7c17c25c36…
Hi @nywang16
I tested the trained model you provided using the code in eval_testset.py. The result of EMD is obviously different from what in your paper, while the results of F and CD are close. For …
Hello, I'd like to know how you implemented EMD in your FkExplorer.py file.