Som: forvalter av et kontrollert vokabular
Ønsker jeg å: få tilgang til spesifikasjoner og verktøy som hjelper meg til å publisere vokabularet
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Som: forvalter av Skatteetatens lokale datasettkatalog
Ønsker jeg å: ha gode lokale løsninger for brukerne av den lokale datasettkatalogen i Skatteetaten
Slik at: at vi får en best mulig lokal løsni…
As a succession of EPoW, QWC will be implementing EPoS consensus along with EPoW finalizing the first chapter of EPoSe.
EPoS development will include major updates and features for nodes and wallet…
In ContractModificationNotice, generated from form F20, remove the `epo:refersToLot` relationship linking a Lot instance to the Notice instance. This is unnecessary (because one can get to the lot thr…
In ePO 4.0.0 the `epo:Period` class is modelled like this:
1. What is the meaning of the…
In all Contract Awarded Notices, in section V, we should use epo:hasRestatedEstimatedValue and in section II, we should use epo:hasEstimatedValue.
Hi @tkucner, I have download and compile your package, the upstream branch.
I'm having some errors when I launch it. One is this one:
`[ INFO] [1466184684.681714016]: *** Switching on EPOS ***
Currently both field **III.1.4.1** (Xpath `LEFTI/RULES_CRITERIA`) and **III.1.9.2** (XPath `LEFTI/QUALIFICATION/METHODS`) are mapped to the `cccev:description` property value of a `epo:SelectionCriter…
Although the mappings in section 1 point to cpov:
I.1.8 | Contact person | epo:AgentInRole (from CL1) / cpov:ContactPoint / rdf:langString | ?this epo:hasContact…