Introduces a new precompile EXECTX at address TBD, which accepts input in the following format:
[32 bytes: PRE_STATE_ROOT] [32 bytes: witness start position] [32 bytes: tx start position] [witn…
The esolangs wiki page is no longer up to date with the spec here
現在、esolang-box ではライセンスが明示されておらず( `spec/assets/` 以下の引用元 および TeX を除く)、この機会に曖昧さが改善できればと思っています。
1) `spec/assets/` 以下のオリジナルファイル: CC0-1.0
- コードゴルフにおいて、ライセンスを明示せずにを使い回すことが散…
1.18 version (i havent checked if it works if you force it to load)
j jumps back to the start ( there is this bf extension spec :: https://esolangs.org/wiki/Deadfish_%22self-interpreter%22)
I want to open a PR to improve the minifier, but I'll need to learn more Golang (my main langs are Rust and JS). I suggest the following optimizations:
1. ~Return an empty string if the input doesn…
Something definite should be happening at EOF when `,` is run, and be tested.
Cf. [https://esolangs.org/wiki/Brainfuck#EOF]():
> EOF is a controversial issue. Many implementations return 0, some…
Lazy K has simple generator in Scheme
* https://github.com/helvm/Lazy-K-rst76
* https://tromp.github.io/cl/lazy-k.html
* https://github.com/tromp/tromp.github.io/tree/master/cl
* https://esolang…