On first run, it throws the error
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
The path
path_to_capitals = 'C://Users/Maxime/Desktop/Thesis/Bdd/EXIOBASE/Capitals/Kbar_exio_v3_6_2011pxp.mat'
in the documentation notebook obviously points nowhere. Unable to find rele…
FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
Could you provide some info on what the xlsx file patching_exiobase represents? I see it is used for constructing the gamma matrix (where the STAM_table is elemently multiplied with the patching table…
Attempting to export the hybridized database to a Brightway project using the a method from the `pylcaio.Analysis` class:
bw2_project_name = 'my_project',
International imports are estimated using the exiobase database. Imports data provided by Statistics Canada however, only provide the intensity and nature of the flow and not its origin nor its user. …
Attempting to write to `brightway2` using
bw2_project_name = 'apples',
created_database_name = 'bananas',
I found a published, international (covering 277 regions) dataset, with very detailed sectoral coverage, called EXIO Database. I was finally able to access the data. You can find it here: https://zeno…
The following line is causing inconsistencies between the sector names from the concordance excel file (productTaypeName) and the filtered sector_of_IO list. this is because there are sector names tha…