i already redownload the spotify and do clean install on spotify and spicetify but lyrics page just blank, any idea how to fix it?
# Bug Report
List of [all OpenTelemetry NuGet
packages](https://www.nuget.org/profiles/OpenTelemetry) and version that you are
using (e.g. `OpenTelemetry 1.0.2`):
* ``
* ``
Runtime version…
**Which version of Microsoft.IdentityModel are you using?**
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt 7.4.0
**Where is the issue?**
* [ ] M.IM.JsonWebTokens
* [ ] M.IM.KeyVaultExtensions
* [ ] M.IM.…
I'm training a tiny yolov2 to detect 4 classes.
Without setting random=1, I'm getting an IOU of around 57% and a mAP of around 58% on my validation set. The region average IOU of the subdivis…
Marketplace page:
Satistics app page:
Background is completely blank. Spotify is updated, Spicetify is updated, the extension is also updated.
Артём Зибарев прислал:
Судя по всему, баг проявляется на DX11.
Вот полный перечень запущенных мной
сегодня игр (где мог, использовал
DX9 и DX11):
Civilization5-DX9 - …
First of all. Thank you for your project. It looks interesting and I am starting to explore it.
I saw that you've created the `spring-addons-starters-rest` using RestClient to access Keycloak API.…
# Compatibility Report
- Name of the game with compatibility issues: Far Cry 5
- Steam AppID of the game: 552520
## System Information
- GPU: Radeon VII
- Driver/LLVM version: Mesa 18.3.3/7.0.1…
Im trying to launch my modpack `E2E-E` on [CleanroomMMC](https://github.com/CleanroomMC/CleanroomMMC) (Java 21). I know its experemental thing and not even widely published and tested yet, but I want …