reStructuredText includes facilities for marking up mathematical expressions, just like [GitHub-flavoured markdown][1] does:
[1]: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/working-wi…
Go constants can be extended to support -0, NaN, +Inf, and -Inf, as constant values.
There is no special name for any of these constants; this is support for values, not new tokens. The model for thi…
The current maths expression helpers are very limiting to just 2 numbers. It would be great if we could string together a series of intergers with different operators within the same HB helper to get …
I am having some issues installing this. Note that I don't use o-m-z.
To reproduce:
1. `git clone git@github.com:larkery/zsh-histdb.git ~/z`
2. add
. ~/z/zsh-histdb/sqlite-history.zsh
Will it be considerable to include latex math expression like `$inline math$` and `$$display math$$` common in modern markdown file editor like obsidian.
With this additional funcitonality, one can w…
Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes
- VS Code Version: 1.85.1
- OS Version: Windows 11
In markdown file, multiline math expressions like the following…
1. cd to an folder
2. press and hold ctrl-c
3. observer the error: ^C^C^Czsh: bad math expression: illegal character: ^[
Why does it happen?
# This is a Question / Feature Proposal
## Description
For bug reports:
* What went wrong?
* What did you expect should have happened?
* What was the config you used?
* What stacktrace …
eDAD tracking ticket for this issue is [Accessibility 228599](https://dev.azure.com/CSS-IRT/CSS%20IRT/_workitems/edit/228599)
While using alt + = is the best way to enter math expressions, the typi…
For instance: $2^n$ vs \$ 2^n \$
I want the former to be displayed in the PDF, not the unrendered code for math expressions.
Thank you in advance :-)