Hi @shubham0204, I'm trying out your app and I have noticed an issue. When the FaceNet `useGpu` parameter is set to false, the app seems to recognize every face as the same person. This appears to be …
I am currently trying to finetune the VGGFace2 pretrained model and train using triplet loss. I am training on my own dataset with the following parameters:
python src/train_tripletloss.py
Thanks for your amazing contribution. I get the following error while running this code.
[017-09-09 13:32:37.700708: W tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:45] The TensorFlow library …
## 🐛 Bug
Inference speed is abysmal - way slower than cpu. It works as expected on NVidia. I'm not really sure whether this is torch vision or torch itself at fault.
## To Reproduce
Steps to …
Hi anyone, I am new and I am doing a real-time face recognition based on FaceNet. I already run the videostream for tracking and detection but don't know how to increase the accuracy. Particularly, wh…
I wanted to use your project for school project by running it on local server by FastApi/Uvicorn. But i faced problem: I ran your code, uploaded faces to milvus, but when i try to recognize face with…
Since the IP-Adapter-FaceID models are not available for commercial purposes, is there an example dataset for training a IP-Adapter-FaceID model? Would someone be interested in crowd sourcing a model …
After installing tensorflow, pandas and facenet to the code, the program still crashes. It prints out an extremely long error message, probably one for each core.
Print out right before the error:
Hi Tim,
Is it possibe to know how this method works (https://github.com/timesler/facenet-pytorch/blob/dd0b0e4b5b124b599f75b87e570910e5d80c8848/models/utils/detect_face.py#L203). I cannot understand…
When running detection for the test image, with a bit different model choices for the detector,
from feat import Detector
detector = Detector(face_model='img2pose-c',