I'm trying to open a fits file in VS Code and it gives this error:
Assertion Failed: argument is undefined or null
It opens okay in DS9. Any idea what could be happening? Here's the fi…
tagging @alexander-held here who has worked on tools similar to HistFitter
The FITS role is causing Ansible install to fail, and I've uncovered several problems with it:
1. The Ansible role, https://github.com/Islandora-Devops/ansible-role-fits , is failing on the "Downlo…
Add export of FITS capabilities
Can cfitsio be made to read data out of an AWS S3 location using the AWS SDK for C++? (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-cpp/v1/developer-guide/examples-s3.html) I mean, for example, that a user w…
Let's list the **main** (necessary for telescopes) and **additional** fits statistics. We can always develop it later.
Since Pyfa has an interface to fit citadels as one would a ship, why not have jEveAssets include citadel fits in the Ship Fitting tab, under the name of the corp that owns it?
### What seems to be the problem? 🤔
Hugo with [these settings](https://freesewing.org/new/hugo#view=%22draft%22&settings=%7B%22measurements%22%3A%7B%22biceps%22%3A300%2C%22chest%22%3A800%2C%22hpsTo…
Add 2 new keywords to subtraction FITS image headers to capture the times used to create the foreground and background average images. One keyword will capture the image times used to create the foreg…