I have been working on a compatibility sketch to run lcd smartie using the
matrix orbitall driver.
The only way of displaying the symbol is to add it to a font and call it
directly using
I have been working on a compatibility sketch to run lcd smartie using the
matrix orbitall driver.
The only way of displaying the symbol is to add it to a font and call it
directly using
I have been working on a compatibility sketch to run lcd smartie using the
matrix orbitall driver.
The only way of displaying the symbol is to add it to a font and call it
directly using
I have been working on a compatibility sketch to run lcd smartie using the
matrix orbitall driver.
The only way of displaying the symbol is to add it to a font and call it
directly using
DFPHannotate-W5、YEFONTRuanMengOuBaoTi 標準、子清有晴 这三个字体分别对应字体包的DFHannotate-W5 & DFPHannotate-W5 & DFGHannotate-W5.ttc、也字工厂软萌欧包体.ttf、子清有晴.ttf,这三个字体无法检测。
使用 ttx 导出 文楷 GB Regular v1.330,在运行到 cmap 表时会报错:
ERROR: An exception occurred during the decompilation of the 'cmap' table
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "fontTools\ttLib\ttFont.py",…
어피니티 퍼블리셔 프로그램에서 Wanted Sans 및 Pretendard 글꼴 사용 시, export된 PDF상에서 해당 글꼴의 크기가 변경되고 겹쳐서 나오는 현상이 발생합니다. (첨부파일 참조)
[ecported pdf.pdf](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16171612/ecported.pdf.pdf)
\setCJKmainfont { SimSun } [ BoldFont = SimHei , ItalicFont = KaiTi ]
\setCJKsansfont { Microsoft~YaH…
I have been working on a compatibility sketch to run lcd smartie using the
matrix orbitall driver.
The only way of displaying the symbol is to add it to a font and call it
directly using