Using node names over 4 characters broke the graphical block of the catg file. Suggest updating formatting to 6 characters, with the space between node name and node area reduced to 30.
This line is 105 characters long so it should break before the `->LongModuleName.longFunctionName`, but it does not.
(LongModuleName.makeNoParams() :> LongModuleName.subTypeOfLongTypeName)-…
![Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 5.32.30 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jialegitgud/pe/main/files/c160026e-175f-44b9-b52d-56607ede2729.png)
`Use case ends` is written on the same line as a step …
Does this issue occur w…
This code does not appear to be formatted properly. Is there a fix? Thx.
repro: https://stackblitz.com/~/github.com/predaytor/astro-dprint
playground: https://dprint.d…
Chat messages with code and md formats are not that well handles. For quick fix we can use React MArkdown component...I did quick poc, this is how it looks. This will improve the user experience.
There are no examples for how to use [the Data Formatting structs](https://docs.rs/indicatif/latest/indicatif/#crate-contents). I assume something like this:
let bar = ProgressBar::new().with_…
I would like to run a formatting step after the package.json and changelog have been updated, but before the release commit
It would be good if there was a hooks system like `release-it` has.