I tried realtime voice cloning in colab. and provide sound sample files from my google drive. and at the end of the process. i get an error like this
this file
I have just installed the extension, and when I open it I get the following error: An error occured in ALPanel.update() method. Details: fpaths is not iterable
Here is my ZSH completion config:
# {{{ ZSH completion config
fpath=(~/Dropbox/Config/zsh-completions $fpath)
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _ignored _correct _app…
Hubro updated
5 months ago
In our R&D project, we are using nRF9160 and mx25r64 external flash.
The project uses Zephyr as an OS.
Nordic SDK 2.4.0
v2.4.0/modules/littlefs git commit hash _ca583fd297ceb48bced3c2548…
**Describe the bug**
CLI completions fail to install when `/usr/local/share/zsh/` doesn't exist, which it won't on Apple Silicon macs because `/usr` is protected.
**To Reproduce**
1. make sure `…
The current instructions: [README.md#oh-my-zsh](https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-completions/blob/5bef0323984bbec2def9839fb52db00285a07ebf/README.md#oh-my-zsh), suggest to add zsh-completions to `plug…
Currently documentation provides an example of completion for bash shell only.
zsh is one of the popular shells. it would be great to have completion example for this shell as well.
when i run keras_cnn_mel I get a error stating:
**KeyError: '.\\input\\audio_train\\62e0d004.wav'**
from this line:
**batch_labels = [file_to_int[fpath] for fpath in batch_files]**
### Avant-Propos
Hello there !
I pretty much love this library idea, and it would fit my use case perfectly !
Now I was just wondering about a few issues I encountered while testing it.
Hello again,
I downloaded your most recent version (1.4) and it appears that when I try using it, the .vbm model I have isn't showing up in gamemaker. My model I tried using is simply the default Ble…